Technology driven organizations (industry and military) demand current and future employees be educated and trained in the latest technology to meet the challenges and opportunities of the current and future workplace. The ability to link technology driven organizations to appropriate materials in a format that can be utilized as needed and on their schedule is essential.

Technology driven organizations (industry and military) demand current and future employees be educated and trained in the latest technology to meet the challenges and opportunities of the current and future workplace. The ability to link technology driven organizations to appropriate materials in a format that can be utilized as needed and on their schedule is essential.
OWDAD at a Glance
- Our current OWDAD portfolio of graduate level course contains 51 full courses in our database. (see attached) These courses are taught by faculty and SME’s that are current in their research areas and utilize their research experience in the classroom.
- A “student” can take a single class or take a predetermined group of four classes to obtain a certificate in a specific area of interest, such as Hypersonics. (see attached) Students taking a single course will be issued a certificate of completion. Successful completion will be indicated by the time a student has the web link open viewing the contents.
- Each course has a unique encrypted web address. The link will be made active for a specific period of time, usually 3 to 6 months. The student can request more time if the need arises.
- The registration process is straightforward (see attached). Once the registration has been completed the student will receive their unique web address by email and can begin viewing that day.
Please note: these course offerings are for workforce development only. The student will not receive graduate credit for the course.
For more information please contact:
Becky Stines
Director of Continuing Education